Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Health + College update

Hey guys!
So I'm just updating on my previous post about my hiatus.

Basically I'm finally able to go back to college. The doctor finally gave me medication for my stomach complaints and things are starting to look up :3

(Though its a shame I still suffer from nausea ;A;)

My mood still isn't the best so I am still struggling in that department v.v

I still have little energy do to things because of my sleep deprivation.

But other than this, I think I'm alright for now. I'm gonna do my best to finish college even though it is very difficult for me.:3

So ya, I think that's it for now. I'm blogging from my phone, so I havent got a clue about html and stuff.

Edit: My tutors have changed my timetable so I have half days now! Which will make everything easier to manage!

Keep Rockin' Baby!
Kyou Kitsune