Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Health + College update

Hey guys!
So I'm just updating on my previous post about my hiatus.

Basically I'm finally able to go back to college. The doctor finally gave me medication for my stomach complaints and things are starting to look up :3

(Though its a shame I still suffer from nausea ;A;)

My mood still isn't the best so I am still struggling in that department v.v

I still have little energy do to things because of my sleep deprivation.

But other than this, I think I'm alright for now. I'm gonna do my best to finish college even though it is very difficult for me.:3

So ya, I think that's it for now. I'm blogging from my phone, so I havent got a clue about html and stuff.

Edit: My tutors have changed my timetable so I have half days now! Which will make everything easier to manage!

Keep Rockin' Baby!
Kyou Kitsune

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Vassen/ I.Fairy Kirei Green Circle Lens Review :3

Heya guys!

So I'm finally reviewing the green circle lens that I wear in my right eye :3

They look bluish green in the video parts, but in a photos they most certainly look green.
Lens information:
Diameter: 14.5mm
Water Content: 42%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Type: 1 year disposal


Time for some more photos :3

Also, I no longer have photoshop anymore, so I can't watermark my images with the nice watermark I made ;A;

So, like I mentioned in the review at the end, I do take requests. So if there is anything you would like me to do.... Makeup tutorials, Reviews, Tags, Outfits, Hauls, Dances, YOU NAME IT! I'LL DO IT! xDD


This party is gettin' crazy!.....Let's Rock!


Keep It Rockin' Baby! 
~Kyou Kitsune

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Goshikku/ Visual kei Gyaru Makeup Tutorial

Heya guys!

My hiatus seemed to be short lived lol, but I am on a break still xD

I got bored and I decided to record it. It wasn't planned at all but I am happy now that I have done it.

I even recorded a voice over for it but I couldn't get the bloody file to work. If anyone knows where I went wrong, please let me know. The file was a .vga file :3

This is a heavier style of makeup, so I know it's not for everyone, but I do hope it proves to be useful to any gothic gals out there :D

I've been wearing my lenses like this for the past couple of weeks and I can't get enough of it. Infact I've never even worn the left green contact before LOL

Makeup used:


Sleek: Concealer, Foundation, Contour + Highlight and Blush


Dark grey eyeshadow
Sleek: Jet black eyeshadow
Barry M: Red Dazzle Dust
Sleek highlight (brows)
White eyeliner pencil
No.7 Liquid eyeliner
No.7 Mascara
Eyelure False Bottom Eyelashes


Rimmel: New Black lipstick
Rimmel: Cherry Red lipstick


(If you recognize the music in this video, I'll give you a sloppy kiss :D)

So ya, I hope you enjoy this tutorial. I still think its a shame about the voice over thing not working, because I don't like typing the instructions v.v

From now on I will take requests for Makeup tutorials. Just leave a comment below about what you would like to see me do :3


"When something smells, it's usually the Butz"


~Keep Rockin' Baby!
~Kyou Kitsune

Saturday, 12 January 2013

I have revived my tumblr!

Ya, so my Tumblr has been revived.

You could say I just didn't give the site a chance lol. But I'm only going to be using it for photos because I take more photos than I blog xD

Follow me here:

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

I am on a short hiatus! + Xmas pics

This post is going to be a little bit of a personal rant and a positive festive ending xD
Hiya guys!

Sorry I haven't really been active lately. As you may or may not know, I always complain about feeling ill, and right now I am feeling literally rock bottom.
I'm losing weight rapidly after working sooooo hard to gain the weight from when I was severely underweight with the same problem.
So once again everything has been put on hold. College, social life, going out, everything! D:<


But hopefully after I get my blood test results back, the docs will be able to get to the bottom of this.
For four years I was told I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but I have always known is more than that.
I have a constant struggle with food, I can't eat anything without getting the worst nausea/sickness, bad cramps, the plops (you know >.>) and gas in the planet.

So I just thought, you know what, F*CK IT! I WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH! D:<

The new doctor thinks I have a few food allergies, which I think sounds quite accurate. If this is true then I can finally be put on medication and live a normal life once again which I haven't experienced since late 2008.
This whole time I have just been grinning through the pain, but I can't cope with it anymore. Four years is too many and I want to go and make friends :<

All of this kerfuffle, has left me with SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder), since the same problem almost forced me to quit school when I was 14, which meant I didn't really have time to build on my social skills. Luckily I managed to get grades in school, which I am quite proud of, despite of being in and out of hospital for a year.

I'm also proud of myself for doing that para para dance on christmas despite feeling rough :3 *pats myself on the back*

Anyway, I think that's all for today. So now you know why I haven't posted anything in a while, but I do plan on making a lip colour tutorial soon since I'm a week over due with it anyway ;>.>
And whilst I've been at home, I've been working on a Salve-Maker Viera cosplay for the MCM expo in May aswell, It's coming on nicely and I will take pictures/videos once its half way complete :3

I will post more after I go back for my checkup with my doctor

Pics of me on christmas day :3 (My hair is actually purple, but because it's blue in every photo, I'm starting to think it's blue and not purple >.<)

I don't like how I look here, but Bibi was posing like a diva!

I wish everyone a happy new year!
~Keep Rockin Baby!
~Kyou Kitsune