This post is going to be a little bit of a personal rant and a positive festive ending xD
Hiya guys!
Sorry I haven't really been active lately. As you may or may not know, I always complain about feeling ill, and right now I am feeling literally rock bottom.
I'm losing weight rapidly after working sooooo hard to gain the weight from when I was severely underweight with the same problem.
So once again everything has been put on hold. College, social life, going out, everything! D:<
But hopefully after I get my blood test results back, the docs will be able to get to the bottom of this.
For four years I was told I have IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), but I have always known is more than that.
I have a constant struggle with food, I can't eat anything without getting the worst nausea/sickness, bad cramps, the
plops (you know >.>) and gas in the planet.
So I just thought, you know what, F*CK IT! I WANT TO KNOW THE TRUTH! D:<
The new doctor thinks I have a few food allergies, which I think sounds quite accurate. If this is true then I can finally be put on medication and live a normal life once again which I haven't experienced since late 2008.
This whole time I have just been grinning through the pain, but I can't cope with it anymore. Four years is too many and I want to go and make friends :<
All of this kerfuffle, has left me with SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder), since the same problem almost forced me to quit school when I was 14, which meant I didn't really have time to build on my social skills. Luckily I managed to get grades in school, which I am quite proud of, despite of being in and out of hospital for a year.
I'm also proud of myself for doing that para para dance on christmas despite feeling rough :3 *pats myself on the back*
Anyway, I think that's all for today. So now you know why I haven't posted anything in a while, but I do plan on making a lip colour tutorial soon since I'm a week over due with it anyway ;>.>
And whilst I've been at home, I've been working on a Salve-Maker Viera cosplay for the MCM expo in May aswell, It's coming on nicely and I will take pictures/videos once its half way complete :3
I will post more after I go back for my checkup with my doctor
Pics of me on christmas day :3 (My hair is actually purple, but because it's blue in every photo, I'm starting to think it's blue and not purple >.<)
I don't like how I look here, but Bibi was posing like a diva! |
I wish everyone a happy new year!
~Keep Rockin Baby!
~Kyou Kitsune ♥