Hey guys!
So I've decided to do my first ever circle lense review! "YAY"
These are the lenses that I wear daily, maybe three to four times a week. I need prescription circle lenses but they all seem to be negative prescription? (eg. -0.75) My eyesight is positive prescription, and because none of these circle lenses seem to be for my eyes, I just have to get 0.00 and bring my glasses with me xD
Anyway, onto the review!
Heres how the lenses look in natural day light, with and without lashes:
(I forgot to take a photo without the lenses!)
Comfort: 10/10
These are my first ever circle lenses that I bought back in May this year. They are sooooo comfortable to wear! I can wear them for up to 8 hours without them completely drying out my eyes, however after about four hours you do notice them beginning to get a little on the dry side. Bring eye drops and you're all sorted :3
Design 8/10
I do really love how natural the design is, and how it looks when its NOT in my eyes. But when I do put them in, I find that the pattern is kind of hidden a little by my natural eye colour, since they are really dark brown. But I like how they don't look too obvious, and the design is very pretty. So if you have dark brown eyes like me, be aware of the fact that the pattern isn't going to stand out that well.
Enlargement 10/10:
Right, so....I have given the enlargement on these full marks, only because these are my first lenses I notice a
huge difference to my eyes. The size is
just right for first time wearers. Obviously people who have worn lenses for a longer time might think that the enlargement isn't as noticeable as other lenses they might wear.
Overall Conclusion:
If you are new to wearing circle lenses I definitely would recommend these. The colour is natural, the enlargement is justtttt right and the comfort is outstanding.
These lenses look so natural that it gets people wondering why your eyes are so naturally big and endearing lol. And because of the size, your eyes won't look very doll like. They are 14.8mm. I must go bigger o.o
Now onto some photos! xD
My hair looked really wild here! LOL xD |
I had a really hard time watermarking these images! D:< |
I also tried out a new eye shape, (If you noticed) not only did I make the eye droopier, I also added the "gap". I don't usually do the gap because I don't think it really suits me. I think I'm going to try and do more of a cat-eyeliner shape next time, instead of a droop.
I have this stupid cold virus thing, so that's why I'm pretty much in my "comfort clothes" and no jewellery in my photos. My shirt still has the bloody size label on it v.v....
Anyway, back to bed to recover! xD
~Keep rockin' baby!