Tuesday, 30 October 2012

London MCM Expo- Saturday October 27th 2012

Hello everyone!

So, last saturday I went to the London MCM Expo. I have been going in both May and October for the past three years.

This is the dress that I wore this weekend (This photo was taken after the event when I got home xD):

We left the house at around 9am that morning. Usually we get the normal tickets when you have to queue for about 700 hours just to get in. So this year we got the early entry tickets...We got into the actual venue to quickly, which kind of made me miss queuing up and playing those.. "queue games"....

Anyway, I had a great time there! I got my photo taken a few times, but I didn't take as much I would have liked to myself. "Why?" I hear you ask. Well, it was super cold and it kept on raining, so most of the time I was frozen stiff, or trying to get warm lol.

BUT! We did take some photos! There isn't as much as last years though ;_; :

This was probably the cutest Yoshi I have ever seen in my entire life xD


I love Oogie Boogie! These two had really great cosplays! :D

He was cosplaying the main character from one of the new FF series, but I can't remember the name. Once I do remember I'll re-edit this caption lol

This Biyomon and Gabumon cosplay really excited me because I LOVE DIGIMONNN!!!

Oooooh lordy. This guy. Seriously. He was doing all the actions and the slurred voice and everything just like the real Captain Jack! I was so impressed! :D

A Brilliant cosplay! This monster thing really scares me, although the guy underneath it is very sweet lol

NOW! This cosplay really astounded me because....it was on four legs :o
I have heard of people that make this costumes, but seeing an Entei one really shocked me. Such a fantastic costume, major props to the person who made it! (btw I'm in the background over it's shoulder LOL)


So that's all the photo's we took. Not many I know, but still glad we got some.

At around 6pm we left and got home at about 6:40pm. We got some fish and chips on the way home xD

So! These are the things I bought....:

All of the following shirts are from Tokyo Toys:

We also got a little hamper full of Japanese sweets and stuff. It had like eight packets of Pocky, two bars of Puccho, two boxes of Hello Panda, two Tokyo Toys badges and a phone charm.

Next year in  may I'm going to cosplay either Shinobu Jacobs from No More Heroes or NMH: Desperate Struggle, or Lucia from Devil May Cry. I'm still pretty much torn between the two xD


Keep rockin' baby!


Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Introduction+First Blog post + OOTD

Hello everyone!

"Who is she and why is she saying "Hello" to me..?" I hear you say.

Well, my nickname is Kyou and my "real" nickname is Tina, pleased to meet you. I shall now tell you about myself....get ready for this! xD

I have been following the Gyaru style for only 3-4 months now and I think I'm improving every day. I had always wanted to follow the style for many years now but I had a really low self esteem and found it difficult to even look at my self in the mirror v.v
But centuries have passed and I'm way over that lol

If I could find one way to describe my style it would probably be gothic/rock

I am a former Beautician, now an Art student at college aspiring to become an illustrator.

My biggest fears are spiders and heights :o

I have never left the UK.... ;_;

I'm a super hardcore gamer. I love MMORPGs and RPGs :D

So now I've told you a bit about myself I'll now get onto some photos :P

This is how I look with and without a wig. I don't really wear a wig that often as I actually prefer to have short hair. So alot of my posts on here will be with my natural hair haha xD

Annnnd this was my outfit of the day: 

I usually actually wear boots, but I had to do alot of walking today. Comfort before fashion xD

A close up of my makeup (It's a little blurry and washed out though):

And I think that's it really.... This is my first ever blog so I guess I'll be posting once or twice every week and I will always keep you updated whether it be facebook, instagram whatever lol. 
I'm definitely posting on friday or sunday though, I'm going to the MCM expo this saturday!


~Keep rockin' baby! ~
